Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

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    WARMUP (3 ROUNDS) 50ft bear crawl down and back 10 empty bar bentover rows (SUB: Dumbbell bent over row) 10 air squats PART A (OT2:00 x 5 sets) 5 Front squats @65% PART B (EMOM x 21) MIN 1: 10 empty barbell thrusters MIN 2: 10 DB bent over rows MIN 3: 10 v-ups CHOOSE…


    WARMUP (3 ROUNDS) 100 single undefs 50ft bear crawl down and back 10 walking lunges PART A (EMOM x 30 MIN 1: :30 sec mountain climbers + :30 sec double unders MIN 2: max hang power cleans MIN 3: REST CHOOSE APPROPRIATE LEVEL BASED ON INDIVIDUAL LEVEL 0: 45/35# LEVEL 1: 65/45# LEVEL 2: 75/55#…


    EQUIPMENT WORKOUT WARMUP (3 ROUNDS) 20 shoulder taps in push-up position 8 inchworm with push-ups :30 sec plank hold PART A (EMOM x 12) EVEN MIN: 30 mountain climbers ODD MIN: 20 DB deadlifts PART B (20-15-10 reps for time) DB thrusters T2B (SUB: V-ups) REST 5:00 (10-15-20 reps for time) DB thrusters T2B DUMBELL…


    NO EQUIPMENT WORKOUT WARMUP (AMRAP in 5) 30 jump ropes 8 inchworm with pushup :30 sec plank hold PART A (EMOM x 12) EVEN MIN: :30 sec max reps push ups (deficit if you are good at them) ODD MIN: :30 sec max reps superman lateral raises PART B (For Time) 50 double unders (or…

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